Radio Stringer

Compelling radio features and news spots from Europe

Radio Stringer

Benefits of our Radio Stringer services include:

  • Quick turn-around – spot news within hours, features in 1-2 days

  • Attentive, easy to work with

  • No language issues – voiced up by a native speaker of English

  • Well-written scripts

  • Good audio quality for v/o and actualities

  • Precise and accurate reporting

Long-form feature stories

I specialize in long-form features for radio, because of my love for the process: pitching and refining the focus and slant of the story, interviewing a wide variety of people, including subject experts and everyday people, recording sound, logging tape, writing and rewriting scripts, voicing up that script and editing all of the pieces together – voila! It’s done and then comes the satisfaction of listening to the piece on the radio, for both your listeners and you.

Quick & dirty spot news

I’m on the ground in Europe, monitoring continental, regional and local news, to be able to provide you radio news readers and short spot reports with actualities to cover breaking news. It’s my belief that adding context to events as they happen is crucial, and I can follow a story continuously for you as needed.

Let me handle the details

With nearly 30 years in the broadcast and communications’ industries, I’ll deal with the details of producing your radio content such as the scheduling of interviews, prep/background material, sound recording and any other technical particulars. The final, edited version of your story will be concise and punchy reporting worthy of your news show.